perrnnial_USER, Author at Perennial Turbo

Advantage of Hydraulic System

In a hydraulic system fluid flow serves as a successor force. Mineral oil is a common type of fluid used. The nature of the liquid does not have a fixed shape, always adjust the shape they occupy. Liquids can’t be compressed, continuing pressure in all directions.

Evolution Of Automobile Sector

The world around us, and hence our lifestyle and the way we work, are changing at a breakneck pace. Who would have thought just 20 years ago that computers and mobile phones would now be a part of everyday life? Who could have imagined a 3-liter car engine? And who could have dreamed of detachable adhesive strips which do not tear away the wallpaper when a poster is removed?

How To Choose A Right Engine Oil For Your Machine

The engine of a vehicle, whether we’re talking about a fleet vehicle, a piece of industrial machinery, a boat engine, or something else, requires oil. Most of us are familiar with the lubrication that oil provides, but did you know that it serves several other roles within the engine?