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About Coolant Suppliers in India


The special liquid used in the cooling systems of machinery, automobiles and industrial types of applications to control equipment temperature and control overheating is called coolant. Propylene glycol, Ethylene glycol with water and additives are used to improve the cooling and protection of the equipment.

There are used to different applications:

Engine Coolant: Car engine coolant is known as antifreeze. The main application of the engine coolant is to control the temperature of the engine. The coolant absorbs heat from the engine and passes through the radiator for heat dissipation.

Industrial Coolant: Industrial Coolant is applicable in different industrial machinery operations like cutting, drawing, and turning, etc., to eliminate overheating, reduce the friction between two metal surfaces, and increase the lubricity and the longevity of the equipment.

There are three types of coolant used to service vehicles cooling systems:

  1. Organic Acid Technology coolant
  2. Inorganic Acid Technology coolant
  3. Hybrid Organic Acid Technology coolant


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